Negative Space iPhone Wallpapers


I initially thought about how I could use the shape of Africa in the

negative space between the books in a library

- However, it is not overly interesting in terms of composition and some

of the books have to be very thin in order for the detail of the

continent to come through

As I continued with my process, I determined that

it could be an interesting idea to have all of my

designs combine positive (educated) and negative

(uneducated) scenarios

The main issue that I came across was

fitting a negative space image that was

clear but also did not interfere too much

with the positive space

- I definitely wanted to show a child writing (since it

is such a necessary skill taught in school)

- I could have a

The negative space available in my various

illustrations provided little opportunity

- I struggled to avoid making image hybrids

(ex. a school bus face or a textbook shirt)

I like having the groom in the frame as it makes the

bride’s youth more apparent, but I already have people

grasping hands in my graduation designs